The Brand Report for Smarter Marketing

✓ Find out what works   ✓ Know what to do next

Get clarity & focus
to make the right decisions
Save time & money
with one comprehensive report
Prove marketing ROI
with clear, data-backed insights

Get to know the 8 modules of the Trakkster Report™

1. Market overview

Know your playing field

Quickly understand your market size, who's competing, and what customers think about your brand. It’s like having a map to navigate the market.
Dashboard mockup
2. The Brand Funnel

Track your customer's journey

See how customers move from just knowing your brand to loving it. It's a clear path showing where you win and where you can do better.
Dashboard mockup

Compare and contrast

Check how your brand does against competitors at every step. Find out what they do well and where you can beat them.
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4. conversion rates

Find your weak spots

Learn where you're losing potential customers and how to keep them moving towards buying your product.
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Understand your customers

Divide your customers into groups based on what they think and do. Use this to keep them happy or win over the unsure ones.
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6. category drivers

Know what matters

Discover what’s most important to your customers, like quality or price. Tailor your products and messages to these preferences.
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Shape how customers see you

Understand what people think when they hear your brand name. Use it to strengthen your brand's image.
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See where you stand

Visualize your brand's position compared to others. Spot opportunities and areas to improve.
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Priceless insights to a cost that makes sense

Dedicated Customer Success Manager
A dedicated Customer Success Manager guides your choices of associations and competitors.
Continuous Support and Guidance
Continuous support ensures you fully leverage the insights from your Trakkster Report.
Secure, Data-Driven Insights
Rely on secure, accurate insights for confident decision-making.

The Trakkster Report™

One unbeatable price
SEK 99,000
Gain full access to our comprehensive insight package.
Market overview
Costumer satisfaction
The Brand Funnel
Catogory drivers
Competitor Funnels
Brand associations
Conversion rates
Perceptual map
Get your report now

Frequently asked questions

Unraveling the Essentials: Your Questions, Our Answers.

How can the Trakkster Report help me improve my marketing strategy?

The Trakkster Report provides detailed insights into market dynamics, customer behavior, and competitive positioning. By understanding these key areas, you can tailor your marketing strategies more effectively, ensuring they resonate with your target audience and stand out against competitors.

Is the Trakkster Report suitable for new marketing managers?

Absolutely! The Trakkster Report is designed to be user-friendly and insightful, making it an ideal tool for new marketing managers. It offers a clear understanding of the market and brand position, enabling new managers to get up to date and make informed decisions quickly.

How does Trakkster ensure the accuracy and reliability of its data?

Trakkster employs rigorous data collection and analysis methods, ensuring that all information is up-to-date, accurate, and reflective of current market trends. Our commitment to data integrity means you can make decisions with confidence.

Can the Trakkster Report help in proving Marketing ROI to stakeholders?

Yes, the Trakkster Report can be a pivotal tool in demonstrating Marketing ROI. The comprehensive insights and analysis provided help in quantifying the effectiveness of marketing strategies and decisions, making it easier to present and justify these to stakeholders or board members.

What makes the Trakkster Report different from other market analysis tools?

The Trakkster Report stands out due to its holistic approach, combining eight essential modules into one comprehensive package. This integration provides a more complete and nuanced understanding of the market, setting it apart from other tools that might only focus on specific aspects. Plus, our dedicated customer support ensures you maximize the value from the report.

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