Module 7: Associations

The Trakkster Report®
December 13, 2023
Module 7: Associations


In the competitive landscape, knowing how your brand and its rivals are perceived can be a game-changer. Module 7 of The Trakkster Report, the Associations Analysis, provides a detailed comparison of how your brand and three competitors score on various associations. Let’s explore what this means and how it can give you a competitive edge.

Associations Analysis

Comparative Scoring

This module presents a graph for each association, showing scores from 1 to 7 for your brand and three competitors. These scores reflect how well each brand performs in areas that consumers consider important.

Key Drivers

Among these associations, some are marked as 'key drivers'. These are the factors most important to consumers in your category. It’s like identifying the main reasons people choose one brand over another in your market.

Examples of Associations and Interpretation:

  1. Customer Satisfaction: If this is a key driver, the graph will show how satisfied customers are with each brand. High scores indicate high satisfaction.
  2. Product Quality: See how consumers rate the quality of your and your competitors' products. This is crucial if quality is a key driver in your category.
  3. Value for Money: Compare perceptions of whether your brand and others offer good value. A high score here is vital if consumers are particularly price-conscious.
  4. Brand Trust: This measures the trustworthiness of each brand. High scores in trust are crucial, especially if it’s a key driver for your audience.
  5. Innovation: Shows how innovative consumers perceive each brand to be. In technology-driven markets, this could be a key driver.

Understanding Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Identifying Gaps: By comparing scores, you can identify areas where competitors are strong and your brand may need improvement.
  • Leveraging Strengths: If your brand scores high in a key driver area, it’s a strength to highlight in your marketing strategies.
  • Strategic Positioning: Understanding how you score against competitors on key drivers helps in positioning your brand effectively in the market.

Discover all modules

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8

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