Module 8: The Perceptual Map

The Trakkster Report®
December 13, 2023
Module 8: The Perceptual Map


Perception is a powerful factor in the competitive branding landscape. Module 8 of The Trakkster Report brings this into focus with a Perceptual Map that illustrates how consumers view your brand in relation to competitors based on various associations. Let’s decode this map and its implications for your brand strategy.

Perceptual Map

Visualizing Brand Associations

The Perceptual Map in this module places your brand and three competitors on a graph. Around this graph are the eight associations relevant to your category. The position of each association in relation to a brand visually represents how strongly consumers associate that trait with the brand.

Interpreting the Map

  1. Close Associations: If an association like 'Innovation' or 'Quality' is close to your brand on the map, it means consumers strongly associate your brand with this trait. It’s like being known for a signature dish in a restaurant.
  2. Distant Associations: Conversely, if an association is far from your brand, it indicates that consumers don’t strongly link this trait with your brand. This can highlight areas for improvement or rebranding.
  3. Comparing with Competitors: Seeing how these associations cluster around your competitors provides insights into their brand strengths and weaknesses. It's like understanding the specialties of other restaurants in your neighborhood.

Strategic Insights

  • Leverage Strengths: Identify which positive associations are closely linked to your brand and emphasize these in your marketing and product development.
  • Address Weaknesses: Recognize distant associations as areas for potential growth or rebranding efforts.
  • Competitive Positioning: By understanding the associations closely tied to competitors, you can strategically position your brand to differentiate from others.

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Module 1

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Module 8

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